Sedation Dentist
A Sedation dentist for patients, in the Fort Lauderdale area, who has a history of psychological or physical trauma that prevents them from receiving needed dental treatment?
Oral Sedation
Patients who wish to remain conscious during treatment, sedation dentistry offers a safe and reliable technique for making dental visits comfortable and relaxing without putting the patient to sleep. Thanks to mild oral sedation pill, an alternative to IV sedation and general anesthesia.
How Oral Sedation Works
This type of sedation dentistry begins when the doctor administers a small, custom-prescribed pill shortly before treatment. Soon after swallowing the pill, the patient eases into an anxiety-free state. Patients who undergo oral Sedation Dentistry remain aware of their surroundings and yet feel calm and relaxed throughout their time in the treatment chair.

Many patients find that oral sedation dentistry allows them to undergo dental treatments and procedures they would have never before been able to tolerate. Oral sedation dentistry is an especially promising alternative for our younger patients or for people whose dental anxiety may only be exacerbated by the use of numbing injections or IV sedation. If you live in the Fort Lauderdale area interested in learning more about oral sedation dentistry call the number above.
IV Concious Sedation Dentistry
sedation dentistry
IV concious sedation dentistry allows patients to undergo one or more procedures while they remain sedated of anxiety. This effect is achieve by using intravenous medication to calm the patient into a sedated state for the duration of the treatment. A state-of-the-art monitoring equipment is use to ensure that patients are always safe and comfortable, and all of the anesthesiology is administered by Florida board-certified dentist in IV concious Sedation.

IV sedation is indicated when the patient is apprehensive and/or does not want to remember anything when going to the dentist.
IV Sedation Dentistry Applications and Benefits
For many patients, a typical IV sedation dentistry visit may include deep cleanings, crowns and multi-specialty treatments such as as gum surgery, root canal, and dental implants. The anesthesia techniques selection is based on each individual’s needs and desires.

The most obvious advantage of conscious IV aneshesia is to allow the patient to undergo multiple dental procedures, all while been sedated. In general, these sedated patients do not want to remember anything when going to the dentist.
Inhalants Sedation (Gas)
Instead of receiving medication intravenously through a vein, patients can opt to receive their sedation medication through the simple process of inhalation (anesthetics in the form of gas). A small mask attached to a tube is placed over the patient’s nose in order to administer the gas medication. Nitrous oxide, which is more commonly referred to as laughing gas, is one of the most common types of inhalants used in dentistry.