TRICARE Dental Insurance

Tricare Dentist in Plantation & Fort Lauderdale

tricare dentist fort lauderdale

We are a TRICARE Dental preferred provider and serving the city of Plantation and Fort Lauderdale. We are in-network with all TRICARE dental plans in Florida.

If you have TRICARE Dental insurance benefits you may set up an appointment online or call Marria Sherman to help you set up an appointment over the phone. She would answer all related questions you may have about your specific dental coverage.

TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) is offer by MetLife to active duty family members and National Guard and Reserve members and their families. It is cost effective dental coverage and convenience of having access to about 195,000 dentist providers. There are over 2 million beneficiaries who are taking advantage of the dental insurance. To learn more about Tricare benefits

The Tricare dental insurance program is available to active duty family members, members of selected reserves, family members of the selected reserves, individual of ready reserve, unmarried children under age 21 or age 23 if full time college student.

To be illegible to enroll in the Tricare dental insurance the individual must be have at least twelve month on his or her service commitment at the time of enrollment.

Tricare Dental coverage overview:

  • All diagnostic (X-rays and exams) and preventive (teeth cleaning) are covered at 100%
  • Posterior white (resin) fillings are covered at 80%
  • Annual maximum allowance is $1,300
  • Lifetime orthodontic maximum coverage is $1,750
  • Space maintainer under the age of 19 is coverered
  • Annual maximum from accidental dental treatment $1,200
  • Deep Cleaning (Scaling and root planning) is cover
  • Three cleaning for women during pregnancy

Selective dental services like root canal, extractions, crowns, dentures, mouthguard, gum surgery and dental implants are covered at 50% to 80%.

Dentist Plantation, FL

Max Arocha DMD

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