What is LANAP Treatment?
This acronym stands for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure and is a laser treatment used to handle periodontitis and other types of disease. It helps to contour your gums and remove gum tissue, particularly diseased or infected tissue that could cause other health issues in your mouth.

Often, people with advanced periodontal diseases, like gingivitis, may need this therapy to remove damaged gum tissue and keep their mouth healthier. In addition, it provides an alternative to traditional surgical procedures, allowing you to avoid scalpels or knives during your treatment.
Who is a Good LANAP Candidates?
Most people should respond well to this type of laser surgery. It can help with many kinds of oral health conditions, particularly periodontal disease, and will help ensure that you don’t experience any long-term concerns. Just a few groups who make good candidates for this process include:

  • People with very soft or sensitive gum tissue
  • Those with a bleeding disorder that may occur during routine surgery
  • Anyone with periodontal or gum disease
  • Individuals with dental fear or a fear of surgery
  • People with heart conditions that may not react well to traditional surgery

These individuals often respond well to LANAP in Plantation, FL, and can recover from decay and other dental concerns with minimal difficulty. It is crucial to reach out to a dentist who may understand this care option and who can provide it for your needs as a person.
Don’t Neglect Our Help 
If you need dental care help, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Arocha, Dr. Jaquez, Dr. Gross, and Dr. Arocha to get treatment. They can provide LANAP in Plantation, FL, to meet all of your needs. Then, call (954) 526-2349 right away to learn more and get the help necessary to manage this problem quickly and efficiently.