ALL ON 4 Implant Diet

ALL-ON-4 Diet

If you have had ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants surgery, the food you eat would have a great impact on the quality of your recovery and on how quickly your implant wound heals from dental surgery. Since you would be taking antibiotics and prescribed pain medication, eating the right foods can also prevent complications including constipation, pain, post-infection, and provide the building blocks of protein your gums and implants in your jaw bone need to heal quickly.

all on 4 diet after surgery

Food Suggestions on ALL-ON-4 Diet For The First 4 weeks

Drink (NO STRAWS):

  • Half of your weight in ounces of water per day
  • Freshly squeezed juice ( Vitamin C strengthen your gums)
  • Ice cream the first 24 hrs after surgery
  • Smoothies / Protein Shakes
  • Ice cold milkshakes first 24 hrs


  • Yogurt
  • Avocado
  • Scrambled and Boiled Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Soup
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Fish
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Banana

Add Soft Foods When Numbness is Gone / Increase Diet as Tolerated after 4 weeks. Rest and relax with no physical activity for the first 3 days after ALL-ON-4 surgery.

Your Diet after ALL-ON-4 Surgery

The best thing you can do to improve your nutritional status when you are recovering from ALL-ON-4 surgery is to focus on whole foods. Consume foods that are “whole” or unprocessed. For example, an orange and boiled egg would be a whole food. Know that orange juice, from concentrate, would be a processed version of that food. A baked potato is a whole food, while a french fry is more processed and much less healthy, having been fried. Another example is onions are better than onion rings.

For the first 8-12 weeks after surgery, obtain most of your nutrition from these whole foods, which is actually a healthy way to eat every day, not just in the weeks following surgery.

Processed foods tend to have higher amounts of fat, sugar, salt, and chemical additives, but far less fiber and vitamins than their whole food counterparts. One way to stick to more nutritious, less-processed foods is to focus on the outside aisles of the grocery store. Most grocery stores are set up with unprocessed foods in the outermost areas of the store in the produce, butcher/fish, dairy, and bread areas.

If you do most of your shopping in those areas, you naturally would choose healthier foods that are high in fiber—a vital nutrient to include in your diet after surgery.

Why High Fiber Diet Is a Must After Surgery

It is important to include fiber in your diet as you are recovering from surgery and while taking antibiotics. Not only are high-fiber foods healthier than their low-fiber counterparts, but fiber also plays a major role in preventing constipation, a highly common complication after ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants surgery. Constipation is more than just annoying after taking prescribed medications after surgery, it can actually create pain and the chances of necessary nutrients not crossing over to the bloodstream and possibly dealing with the recovery period.

Rather than adding a fiber supplement to your day consider adding high-fiber foods to your diet and obtaining fiber in a more natural way. Supplementing is not a bad idea, but fiber from food tends to work much better to prevent constipation when taken with ample water.

What Are The Best High Fiber Foods to Take After the ALL-ON-4 procedure

  • Whole grain bread: Look and find bread that uses whole grains and is darker in color. White bread is typically too refined (processed) to be a good source of fiber.
  • Whole grains: This would include oatmeal and other grains.
  • Fruits: Fresh fruit is the best source of vitamins and fiber.
  • Steam Vegetables: Steam vegetables are an excellent source of fiber and can be purchased fresh or frozen.
  • Cereal: Not all cereal has a high-fiber content. Check the label to avoid sugary or low-fiber cereal. Look for a cereal with fiber in the name, or stick with old-fashioned breakfast foods, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat.

What Foods to Avoid Foods to prevent Constipation after ALL-ON-4 procedure

Constipation is common after ALL-ON-4 surgery because prescription pain medications - Vicodin, Codeine, and Percocets, in particular—are often used a few days following a surgical ALL-ON-4 Dental Implant procedure and have a known side effect of decreasing the movement of the small intestines.

While some food diets can help prevent or treat constipation, there are other foods that can make constipation more likely. Constipation can increase your pain level and can place additional stress on your recovery phase

Foods Likely to Cause Constipation after ALL-ON-4 procedure

  • Dried or dehydrated foods: These include dried fruits (prunes are an exception, they can help to ease constipation) and some types of potato chips.
  • Processed Foods
  • Cheese
  • Milk and Dairy Products
  • Red Meat
  • Sweets: including pastries, candies, cakes, and other sugary foods.

What Protein to Eat After Implant Surgery

The decrease in your intake of protein may slow down your healing process. Consume lean protein which can be found in lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, and pork. Seafood, including fish, is also an excellent source of lean protein. Red meat is not recommended because of the high level of saturated fat and because it can trigger constipation.

Diet after all on 4 surgery If you don’t eat meat or don’t enjoy meat, remember that protein comes from many sources other than meat. Consider nuts, tofu, beans, and “vegetarian” foods, such as tempeh and texturized vegetable protein (TVP) to supplement your protein needs. Dairy products are also a source of protein it should be consumed in moderation. If you are having difficulty eating, consider supplementing your diet with protein powder, which can be added to drinks, such as smoothies. 4 

What Type of Grain to Eat After Implant Surgery

Whole Grains Instead of Refined Grains. Whole grains are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. 5  Be sure to choose whole-grain bread and cereals whenever possible, rather than the refined "white" versions. Rice is a great way to add whole grains to your diet, but many types of rice are so processed that the nutritional value is minimal. For both nutrients and fiber content, choose brown rice or other varieties that are not processed, and avoid white rice.

Breakfast is an ideal time to add whole grains and fiber to your diet. Skip the bacon and eggs and choose oatmeal or another whole-grain cereal, whole wheat bread, and fresh fruit for your morning meal.

Can I Eat Dairy Products after ALL-ON-4 Surgery

Dairy products and ice cream are excellent sources of protein, which is essential to healing after surgery. Many people, though, find that consuming dairy products can lead to constipation after ALL-ON-4 surgery. There is also evidence that dairy products can increase secretions in the lungs, so if you have a chronic cough, it may be worthwhile to avoid dairy products in the short term.

If you can eat daily products without, focus on low-fat items, such as skim milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Cheese, low-fat or not, should be eaten in moderation until you can determine if eating it will cause you to become constipated.

What Fruits and Vegetables Diet After ALL-ON-4 Surgery

Fresh fruit and vegetables contain both nutrients and fiber, which are essential to healing during your ALL-ON-4 recovery from surgery. While fresh is best, frozen or canned items are also good. Try to emphasize items that are not processed, such as fresh broccoli, and avoid processed foods, such as canned broccoli soup.

One acceptable side effect of eating more fruits and vegetables than usual is gas. While this can be an annoying or embarrassing problem, it should pass within a day or two. If the gas is so severe that you feel stomach pressure or abdominal cramping, you can decrease your intake of fresh produce or use a gas reliever, such as Beano to prevent gas 6  or Gas-X. all on 4 fruits diet after surgery

I'm Having Trouble Eating Enough After ALL-ON-4 Surgery?

Sometimes it is difficult to eat after surgery because of a lack of appetite. This typically passes a few days after surgery, but it is important to continue eating nutritious foods during this part of your recovery. Constipation can cause a lack of appetite. If this is the case, speak to your surgeon about ways to relieve constipation before taking over-the-counter remedies.

While most people in America could stand to lose a few pounds, skipping meals after surgery is not the way to do it. Failing to eat enough after surgery can slow healing and delay the closure of your incision. Your body needs protein and other nutrients to build healthy new tissue and heal tissue injured by surgery.

If you are not constipated and are still having difficulty with your appetite, consider calorie-dense foods, such as a smoothie, which can contain dairy, fruit, and even protein powder as necessary. If you are unable to consume enough calories after your surgery, try to eat calorie-dense foods whenever possible. That means eating foods that contain more calories per bite than others. For example, a cup of green salad would be a food low in calories per cup, while avocado would be very high in calories per cup.

If consuming enough calories is an issue, you may want to eliminate low-calorie and calorie-free items from your diet until you are able to eat adequately. For example, use regular salad dressing, replace diet soda with juice or full-calorie soda and (in general) avoid foods that say "lite," "sugar-free," "calorie-free," "diet," "low-fat," or "low-calorie" on the label.

What Are The Best Ways to Add Calories to Diet After ALL-ON-4 Surgery

If you are having difficulty getting enough calories in your diet after surgery, your recovery could be adversely affected. These tips can help you add calories to your diet without having to eat noticeably more; however, these changes are not necessarily heart-healthy and are not going to aid weight loss. This way of eating is reserved for people who are unable to consume enough calories, as this is not an ideal nutritional plan for the long term.

Some individuals truly struggle to consume enough food in the early part of the recovery phase, and these tips are intended for those people.

When you are able to return to a healthier diet, eliminating saturated fats and sugar while emphasizing fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, is important to do so.

7 Ways to Sneak Calories Into Your ALL-ON-4 Diet

If you are losing weight during your recovery process, you may need to consider adding calories to your diet.

  • Choose vegetables with more calories, such as avocados and potatoes rather than lettuce.
  • Choose fruits high in carbohydrates such as orange and mandarin.
  • Eat the highest calorie items on your plate first.
  • Add a dietary supplement, such as Ensure to your diet.
  • Snack between meals using high-calorie snacks, such as crewing protein bar
  • Think of eating as your job, and do it frequently. Consider commercial breaks on television to be a reminder to have a nibble.
  • Add a bedtime snack to your schedule.

ALL-ON-4 Doctor Recommendations OnThe Diet

What you eat in the days and weeks following ALL-ON-4 surgery can help determine how quickly your gums and dental implants would heal and how well you feel while recovering. Take the time to eat well, choose foods you know to be healthful and nutritious, and be sure to eat enough calories to help sustain your body through the healing process.

Dentist Plantation, FL

Max Arocha DMD

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